I reviewed my calendar of the summer events at church, and it is clear to me that we have continued to nurture faith in the lives of our children, youth and adults. Operation Overboard, this year’s...
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Connecting to the World through Young Adult Volunteers
Scripture Lesson: Romans 10:12-15 This week, FPCY commissioned three Young Adult Volunteers from the Presbyterian Church: Rob Vaughan, who is going to Kenya Emma Warren, who will be serving in Denver Christian...
What’s New with Operations In August? A big thank you to the many who have signed up to be Stewards of our gardens. Plaques have been installed showing who is tending each garden. I also want to recognized...
Chip Low, Dorrit Nelson – August 12, 2012 – “Connecting to the World in the Dominican Republic”
Sermon by Reverend Chip Low, by FPCY member Dorrit Nelson, and by a representative of Bridges to Community: “Connecting to the World in the Dominican Republic” Readings from Philippians 4:12-13...
Rhonda Kruse – August 5, 2012 – “A Moment of Truth”
Sermon by Rev. Rhonda Kruse: “A Moment of Truth” Reading from 2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a Click on the “right triangle” symbol in the box below to hear the sermon.
July 15, 2012 – Chip Low – So You Think You Can Dance
Scripture Lesson: 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19 Sermon by Chip Low: So You Think You Can Dance (Click on the green triangle to hear the sermon.)
June 24, 2012 – Chip Low – Know God, No Limits
“Click on the “right triangle” symbol in the box below to hear the sermon.”
June 17, 2012 – Chip Low – All In God’s Time
“Click on the “right triangle” symbol in the box below to hear the sermon.”
New in the Church Library – June, 2012
In Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White; Thoughts on Religion, Morality, and Politics (261.1 H), Adam Hamilton proposes a richer, more thoughtful conversation that seeks truth on all sides of the...
From the History of Our Congregation – June, 2012
How this little old church has changed through the years. It may not seem like it as you look at it from the outside, but a lot has been added inside. In the early 1960’s it was decided to bring the...