November Adult Education

Women’s Circle – Bible Study: “Confessing the Beatitudes”

First Wednesday of the month, 10:30 am November 2, December 7

More info: Marianna Sherman, 914-737-8294

Harry Potter and Christian Spirituality

Led by Dannielle Tomminio

In the tradition of J.R.R. Tolkein and C.S. Lewis, J.K. Rowling explores spiritual and moral themes in her popular Harry Potter series. On Sunday, November 6th, Danielle Tumminio leads us in worship, and will join us for the Adult Education hour to talk about the intersection of the Christian faith with the Harry Potter series. “My hypothesis,” Tumminio writes in her book God and Harry Potter at Yale: Teaching Faith and Fantasy Fiction in an Ivy League Classroom, “is that the series does resonate with the Christian worldview, but often these resonances occur in unexpected ways.”

Sunday, November 6, 9:30 am in the lounge


Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations

Led by Rev. Mark Koenig, Director, PC-USA UN Ministry

Come learn about how the Presbyterian Church is striving to live out the reality that “God sends the church in the power of the Holy Spirit to share with Christ in establishing God’s just, peaceable and loving rule in the world.”

Sunday, November 13, 9:30 am in the lounge


Sermon for Lunch:

More on the Presbyterian Ministry at the UN

Lunch and a chat with Rev. Mark Koenig. (Sandwiches provided.)

Sunday, November 13, 11:45 am in the lounge

Suggested donation to cover the cost of food: $5.00.


Nurturing a Grateful Heart

Prayers of thankfulness help us notice God’s abundant gifts. Gratitude is a wonderful companion to other forms of prayer. In thanking God, we grow closer in intimacy with God. Come explore the role of thankfulness in the Christian life and learn about habits we can develop to nurture a grateful heart.

Sunday, November 20, 9:30 am in the lounge


Special Advent Study

Come prepare to welcome the Christ Child into your heart with this first session of our four-week Advent Study.

Sunday, November 27, 9:30 am in the lounge
