Food Pantry

(Would You Like to Help?)

  • We are excited that we have been able to return to indoor shopping
  • We welcome volunteers 16 years of age and older
  • Clients are asked to bring a reusable bag for shopping.

Our shopping model is more efficient as clients tend to select only those items they need and will use. The shopping model also affords greater opportunities for clients and volunteers to engage in community together.

We are very grateful for Item of the Month food donations to fill gaps in our ability to offer balanced food choices to our clients. You can drop off items any time in the labeled bins near the red double doors at the back of the church building. You can also easily give electronically, and use the “Food Pantry Plus” line, or you can write “Food Pantry” on the memo line of your check and mail it to the church office or place it in the offering plate. If you would like to make a food donation, Please Note:

  • Non-Perishable FOOD Only
  • NO Food with expired dates on the packages.
  • Donate the quality of food you would serve to your own family. 


Hours: 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Clients should bring a picture ID. There is no specific residency requirement.

2024 Schedule: 2nd and 4th Saturdays except for December

January 13, 27

February 10, 24

March 9, 23

April 13, 27

May 11, 25

June 8, 22

July 13, 27

August 10, 24

September 14, 28

October 12, 26

November 9, 23

December 7, 21


In December, 2024, Food Distribution 1st & 3rd Saturdays (Dec 7 and 21) from 8am-11am

In case of bad weather, please check WHUD or

Our Beyond Hunger / Pantry-plus initiative recognizes that necessary household expenses like hygiene products (for all ages, including diapers and incontinence supplies) and school supplies reduce the funds available for nutrition. Your ongoing financial support of Pantry-Plus enables all of these ministries.

In 2019 we began the distribution / offering of elder care products (Ensure protein drinks and several kinds of incontinence products) to our Pantry clients.

Food Pantry Always Needs

The pantry is always in need of donations of pasta, dried beans, canned fruits and vegetables, and shelf-stable milk.

Your monetary contributions are also appreciated.

We shop at Feeding Westchester where a dollar will buy more food than you can imagine, thanks to government and corporate donations. You can easily give electronically, and use the “Food Pantry Plus” line, or you can write “Food Pantry” on the memo line of your check and use the offering plate.
