Deacons March 2013

The Deacons have returned from a very rewarding retreat at Holmes Presbyterian Conference Center, where Chip, assisted by Tami and including a workshop by Sarah Henkel, Cross-Cultural Coordinator at Hudson...

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Thinking in the Box

Our mantra for Lent this year is “Wear the box. Be the box. Think in the box.” (Don’t forget the hand motions!) It’s an easy summary (43 characters for a tweet) of what we are doing. As we make...

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Keeping Sabbath

Sabbath keeping is not about taking a day off but about being recalled to our knowledge of and gratitude for God’s activity in creating the world, giving liberty to captives, and overcoming the powers...

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Operations – March 2013

While away on vacation during the Month of February, I have been hoping for a break in the weather at home. However, it looks like Winter will be hanging on for a while. Most of this month’s news from...

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Saying Yes and Saying No

If we are to enhance and build up the capacities for a good, wholesome, and holy life, we must learn to say yes to what affirms and renews wholeness and life. And we must learn to say a related no to what...

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