On Sunday afternoon, October 2nd at 2:00 p.m., The First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown will offer a Blessing of the Pets. The blessing of animals reminds us to celebrate creation, and God’s message...
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New in the Church Library – September 2016
Writer and blogger Kristen Welch gives helpful strategies to parents in Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World; how one family learned that saying “no” can lead to life’s biggest...
Hope: A Fruit for Faithful Living — September 11, 2016
Scripture reading: Romans 5:1-5, John 15:1-5, 8 Sermon by Chip Low: Hope: A Fruit for Faithful Living Click here to read the worship bulletin. To download the audio of the sermon, click here or...
FPCY Concert Series Kick-off October 15, 2016
The FPCY Concert Season kicks off it’s sixteenth season on Saturday, October 15th at 7:30 p.m. with a concert featuring Glenda Davenport and her Jazz Quartet. Born and raised in Mount Vernon, Glenda...
Sunday Morning Adult Ed: Fruitful Living
This fall, we will focus on the book Five Practices of Fruitful Living by Robert Schnase. Join us as we discuss and put into practice these five keys to living and growing in faith. Books are available...
Almost Christian: What the Faith of Our Teenagers is Telling the American Church
Dear Church Family, I’m writing to invite you to join in a conversation group with me and our youth director Stephanie Hare this Fall. At their baptism, we parents made a commitment to our children...
Focus on Forming Faith
As Chip wrote about in his article, faith formation is one of the primary purposes of the church and its members. Each month, we would like to highlight various people in our church family who are living...
Church School Chalkboard – September 2016
Greetings from the Church School team! We hope everyone had a terrific summer. The first Sunday of Church School (September 18) is just around the corner, and we are so excited to see you all! This year’s...
September 2016 Disciple