Pastor’s Message – February 2017

We continue in the Season of Epiphany throughout February until the last day of the month which is Shrove Tuesday, better known as Mardi Gras, or as I like to call it Fat Tuesday. That day, we gather at the church for our annual Pancake Supper run by our Confirmation Class and Youth Groups to support youth participation in mission trips. So, please plan to attend, eat and support those we send on mission trips and our priority of sending youth to camp.

The journey through February and Epiphany gives us the opportunity to live in the light of why Christ came to live among us. In fact, the season of Epiphany is our opportunity to be enlightened by the reason for Christmas, the baptism of Jesus and the call of the disciples. How does the good news of God with us at Christmas become our good news and good news for the world? How does God’s message at Jesus’ baptism become God’s message to us that we are God’s beloved? How is the call of the first disciples our own call to follow Jesus? The season of Epiphany illuminates how truly present God is to us, how God claims us in baptism and then invites us to live and share the full impact of that good news. In other words, Epiphany reveals to us what it means to be disciples of Jesus Christ and to follow him.

Discipleship isn’t simply a checklist of “todo’s”. I went to church – check. I read the Bible today – check. I gave some money – check. Rather, discipleship is a way of life that forms us and gives us a lens through which to see the world as the creation God loves. Being a disciple is about asking the question, “What does God want me to do?” and then searching for more and more answers to that question. The Apostle Paul told the Philippian Christians that it’s about having “the same mind in you that was in Christ Jesus” (2:5). And, Jesus said, “follow me and I will make you fish for people” (Matthew 4:19). Being a disciple is so much more than a checklist. It’s an amazing, grace-filled, love-forming, justice-enacting, journey with God in which we become partners with God and continue God’s mission to salvation and healing and hope that shatter the dark places of our lives and this world. So, I hope you will join us on this journey through the Season of Epiphany as who we are and what we do continues to be formed by the story of our faith.

The month of February is also the time when our commissions and committees organize for the coming year of ministry. After a wonderful Leadership Retreat of visioning and fellowship, Tami and I will be working with our commissions to think about their part in the ministry we share and bringing our new deacons and elders up to speed in the process. We ask your help with our commissions and committees in two ways:

  • Pray for the members as they continue to lead our church in faithful ways.
  • Join a commission – attend the monthly meeting and get involved in the ministry so that your gifts and talents can be a part of and grow the ministry we do together.

I’m looking forward to the ways God will continue to illumine our faith and reveal new and exciting ways and opportunities we can serve faithfully together. My hope is that we will grow as disciples of the Light and, as Jesus said, “let your light shine before others, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14&16).

Serving the Light Together
