The Reverend Dr. Susan Andrews is General Presbyter (CEO) of the Hudson River Presbytery, to which our church belongs. She was our guest preacher this week, with the title “What Should We Do About...
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Church Library – February 2011
Mitch Albom, author of the best-seller Tuesdays with Morrie, has written another inspiring book, Have a Little Faith (call number 201 A). It begins when an elderly rabbi from Albom’s old hometown...
February, 2010 — Annual Report
“We are a living mission.” What a great way to start a new call! That’s how I feel as I reflect on 2010 and the beginning of our ministry together. I am so thankful it is with you, the congregation...
January, 2010
Thank you for the surprise ovation at the beginning of the January 2nd service, the celebration of my first anniversary with you all, the personal comments about our first year together, the paper products...
Church Library – January 2010
Speaking of Faith; Why Religion Matters—and How to Talk About It(200 T) is by creator and host of public radio’s Speaking of Faith program Krista Tippett, who has spent countless hours doing just...
Church Library – February 2010
When a gunman killed five Amish children and injured five others in a Penn-sylvania schoolhouse in 2006, attention rapidly turned from the tragic events to the extraordinary forgiveness demonstrated by...
Church Library – May 2010
The Great Emergence; how Christianity is Changing and Why (270.8 T), Phyllis Tickle, long an astute observer of religion, examines a once-every-500-years trend within Christianity she calls “the...
Church Library – Summer 2010
Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan join once again to present a new understand-ing of early Christianity–this time to reveal a radical Paul who has been suppressed by the church. In The First...
Church Library – October 2010
New in the Church Library “Christianity has an image problem.” That’s the first sentence of UnChris-tian; what a new generation really thinks about Christianity … and why it matters...
Church Library – January 2011
If you attended or heard about Peter Rollins appearance at the church in October, you may want to follow up by reading some of his books. The Orthodox Heretic (230 R) is in the library’s col-lection,...