Deacon’s Report – March, 2012

New Deacons and Officers

Our “new” Class of 2014 Deacons — Jane Amato, Karen Mack, and Kathy Winsted — are joined by our newest deacon, Heidi Haring. Liam McAuliffe serves again as youth deacon.

Our new officers are:

Walter Oudheusden, Moderator Terri Froehlich, Vice-Moderator
Sue Nelson, Secretary Dorrit Nelson, Financial Secretary

New Assignments

Bereavement Support Barbara Humphrey
Blood Drive TBD
Card Ministry Terri Froehlich
Contact to the Homebound Matt Hager and Heidi Haring
Food Pantry Katharine Frase, Heidi Haring and Liam McAuliffe
Hat and Mitten Tree Terri Froehlich and Sue Nelson
Health Care Racks Matt Hager
Loaves and Fishes
  1st Quarter: Sue Nelson  2nd Quarter: Terri Froehlich
  3rd Quarter: Jane Amato 4th Quarter: Angelyn Forbes-Freeze
School Supplies Sue Nelson and Terri Froehlich
Transportation Barbara Humphrey

We are challenged to keep the contact to the homebound ministry going strongly, and ask that anyone who has time and interest in making visitations to the homebound during the day please contact the Deacons. Chuck Radke and Mable Seymour will continue visitations once a month and assist the new Deacons as they come on board in 2012.

Sue Nelson and Chuck Radke

Deacons’ Activities

Deacons participate in God’s work in many ways, distributing food to our neighbors in need, repairing homes in the community, building a school in the Dominican Republic (as Dorrit Nelson plans to do this summer), driving church members to appointments, visiting our homebound members with love, hugs and news of the church or preparing a meal for members who are sick or just over-whelmed with good or bad events in their lives.

Sometimes the Deacons manage an event or drive at the church. What do you think would be the best method of informing everyone at the church about an upcoming activity? Please let one of us or Chip know your thoughts.

The card ministry sent out 44 greetings in January, ranging from birthdays and congratulations to comfort and support. We reach out to let you know the church and God’s love surround you at all times.

Angelyn Forbes-Freeze
