Operations – March, 2012

  1. We have been working hard to continue our facilities improvement plan:
    • Rehab of the office has been completed and has drawn many compliments.
    • Painting of the Gathering Space has been completed as has the ramp hallway. Jose has now turned his attention to Room #1 which is in need of a new dress-up of spackling and paint. Our plan is to do touch-up in several areas including the outside door by the office, the fire-doors in the main hallway and the bathroom near the office.
  2. A protector circuit was recently installed on the large three-phase circulator motor that controls heat in the hallways and Fellowship Hall. This added circuitry will help to prevent burn-out of the motor in the event of a partial power outage like the one we experienced in the Fall. This large motor is very expensive so it is worth the cost of better protection.
  3. Coincident with the installation of the three-phase protector circuit, we experienced several malfunctions of a relay/transformer in the same heat-loop. New parts have been ordered and we are hopeful that this issue is now behind us. Our apologies for any inconvenience due to the cool temps in Fellowship Hall.
  4. New scuff mats have been installed in the main hallway leading from the office . These mats replace some badly worn ones and will help in picking up sand from shoes and keep it from spreading onto the tile in the hallways which wreaks havoc on the wax on the tile floors.
  5. We have added traffic signs at each of our entrance driveways indicating “No Through Traffic.” We are hopeful that the people using our driveways as a “cut through” to avoid the light at the corner of Rt’s 202 and 132 will observe the signs and stop their practice of cutting through.

Two events are being planned for May 5. One is our annual Spring Clean-up and the second is a Home Front project which will help to restore a nearby resident’s home. Usually, we don’t sponsor two volunteer projects on the same date, but after a lot of consideration, we felt that our Church Family can indeed support these two very worthy projects. Jean Post Winget is the Chair of the Home Front project. Please contact Jean for further information on this Mission project. As we get closer to the May 5t date, Operation’s will provide information on the items we would like to accomplish during the Spring Clean-up. The main request right now is to reserve the date of May 5th on your calendars as we will need all hands to support these two key projects. Deanna Collins will help both projects in coordinating talents with the needs of the projects. In early April, we will be posting sign-up sheets through which everyone can easily communicate with Deanna.

Should you become aware of maintenance items that need to be addressed or improvements for us to consider, please bring them to my attention. If you have made an improvement recommendation, please be assured that it will not be forgotten. We have a lot of work on our plan list and are evaluating ideas continuously. Thanks for your input & ideas!

Dick Seymour, Chair
