Household Economics

Good economics practice – positive ways of exchanging goods and services – is about the well-being, the livelihood, of the whole household.   In the face of great economic and environmental challenges,...

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Shaping Communities

We have inherited a large house, a great “world house” in which we have to live together—black and white, Easterner and Westerner, Gentile and Jew, Catholic and Protestant, Moslem and Hindu—a family...

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Church History

Provided by Dick Hunter, Church Historian Check the history bulletin board highlights of the 70’s by the Communications Committee chaired by Joan Givens. Below is an excerpt about a former FPCY Pastor. “The...

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New in the Church Library

Tami has recommended several books on Christian parenting, to accompany her adult education series.  One is 9 Ways to Bring Out the Best in You & Your Child, by Maggie Reigh (649 R).  Filled with...

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The Ministry of Our Deacons

One of the roles of our Deacons is to provide spiritual care and support to our church family. A visitation team has been created by the Board of Deacons to visit the homebound and sick. Rev. Tami Seidel...

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Mother’s Day Project

A joint program of PCUSA World Mission and Presbyterian Women, the Mother’s Day Project is a simple and meaning mission activity that Presbyterians have supported since 2001. This year the program is...

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Making Space

Signs are everywhere that Bulk Trash day is coming. I’ve seen used toys, broken cabinets, old computer monitors and TVs, mounds of boxes, big black garbage bags stuffed full, even a piano along the side...

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Dying Well

In the Christian practice of dying well, Christian people do things with and for one another in response to God’s strong love, translating into concrete acts our belief in the resurrection of Christ,...

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