The Annual Meeting of the Congregation and Corporation of the First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown will be held both in person and by Zoom (hybrid) on Sunday, March 5, 2023 following the 10:30 AM Worship...
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CrossGen Event March 8: And Help us Build Hygiene Kits for those in Need
Join us for our next CrossGen Wednesday, coming up on March 8, 2023 from 5:30-7:30 pm! CrossGen Wednesdays are for everyone of all ages where we come together for dinner, conversation, activities, and...
Pancake Supper February 21!
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Tuesday, February 21. We’ll be serving pancakes and sausage from 5:30-7:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall Cost is $10 per person/ $25 per family Proceeds to support this summer’s...
CrossGen Get-Together Wednesday March 8
Join us for our next CrossGen Wednesday, coming up on March 8, 2023 from 5:30-7:30 pm! CrossGen Wednesdays are for everyone of all ages where we come together for dinner, conversation, activities, and...
Trust, Compassion, and Community – February 12, 2023
Scripture Lesson: Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Matthew 5:21-37 Sermon by Connie Knapp: Trust, Compassion, and Community Read the worship bulletin. Download the audio of the sermon or simply play the sermon below. If...
Men’s Breakfast February 18
Join Chip in Fellowship Hall for a Mens’ Breakfast at 8am on Saturday. If you would prefer to participate virtually, look for an email from Chip to join by Zoom.
New in the Library
P.S. God, Can you Fly, by R. Wayne Willis (242 W) has the subtitle “Heartfelt and Hope-Filled Prayers of Children.” The author is a hospital chaplain and has collected prayers that children have left...
This Little Light of Blame, I’m Gonna Let It Shame — Message from Garrett
Connection is why we’re here. It’s what gives meaning and purpose to our lives. Yes? So if connection is so vital to our well-being, then why do so many of us struggle with it? Shame. I’ve talked...
New Member Classes Starting February 26
Those interested in exploring membership at FPCY are welcome to attend our new member classes being held on Sundays at 9:15am from February 26—March 19. Contact the office for more information.
Can You Help With Coffee Hour?
Coffee Hour after our service(s) is a time for fellowship to connect with people you know and meet others you don’t. Please join us in Fellowship Hall for coffee, tea, a snack, and good company! We...