In the 30’s, the big thing that took place was the gift of the portable building given through the kindness of the Church Extension Committee of Yonkers, NY. This took place at a special corporate...
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Operations — March 2011
Operations Commission All work has been completed in Room 16. A very big Thank You to Jose for doing all of the painting. Also, thanks to Todd, Katherine Frase, Liam, Dick Hunter, Bud Coccodrilli, Mable,...
Deacons — March 2011
We welcome the new class of Deacons and have already put them to work: Angelyn Forbes-Freeze, Matt Hagar, Julia Kelly, Dorrit Nelson, Mallory Eliasson, and Walter Oud- heusden. And although some...
March 2011
A Message from Chip Lent is one of my favorite seasons in the church year because it is an intentional time of examination of our lives and our faith. We prepare ourselves to experience again the new life...
Deacons — February 2011
Our Deacons had a very festive beginning for 2011: a luncheon/meeting at the home of Mable Seymour. With all Deacons bringing a dish or refreshments to the luncheon, needless to say it was a great way...
Operations — February 2011
What’s New with Operations? Great progress has been made in Room 16 which is heavy used by Noon Unity. The room has been completely redone; including painting, removal of the very old and stained carpet,...
February 27, 2011 – Susan Andrews Sermon – “What Should We Do About the Church?”
The Reverend Dr. Susan Andrews is General Presbyter (CEO) of the Hudson River Presbytery, to which our church belongs. She was our guest preacher this week, with the title “What Should We Do About...
Church Library – February 2011
Mitch Albom, author of the best-seller Tuesdays with Morrie, has written another inspiring book, Have a Little Faith (call number 201 A). It begins when an elderly rabbi from Albom’s old hometown...
February, 2010 — Annual Report
“We are a living mission.” What a great way to start a new call! That’s how I feel as I reflect on 2010 and the beginning of our ministry together. I am so thankful it is with you, the congregation...
January, 2010
Thank you for the surprise ovation at the beginning of the January 2nd service, the celebration of my first anniversary with you all, the personal comments about our first year together, the paper products...