February, 2012 – Highlights through the years…

1947 – A new Hammond electric organ was purchased
1951 – Gertrude Hyatt was ordained as the church’s first woman elder.
1952 – The Session expanded to eight members from six
1952 – Start of the Disciple
1971 – a very important and well attended meeting for the youth was formed called Agape –youth very instrumental in the church
1972 – On the 3rd Sunday, a special prayer and healing service was started. People came forward, the Elders helped by lying on of the hands and prayer
1985 – Wine no longer used in celebrating the sacrament
1982 – Charles Barton conducted his first worship service
1985 – Midnight Run started
1988 – Do you remember the big elm tree by the cemetery and the path to the church by the parking lot? It was removed.
2004  – At the Annual Meeting on February 1, it was announced that our church faced a $37,000 deficit in our 2004 budget – this was after $30,000 had already been cut from the initial budget. Ninety-eight of our giving units increased or made their 2004 Stewardship Commitments amounting to $47,674. In light of that increased commitment and the final budget adopted by the Session, the deficit was reduced to a very manageable $2,200 – the lowest it had been in years.

Dick Hunter, Church Historian
