Our mantra for Lent this year is “Wear the box. Be the box. Think in the box.” (Don’t forget the hand motions!) It’s an easy summary (43 characters for a tweet) of what we are doing. As we make...
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A Glimpse Into the Past
Provided by Dick Hunter, Church Historian May 2, 1915 Bulletin The Service of Communion Rev. Harry Baldwin-Roberts M.A.B.D., Minister. Order of Service: Prelude, Doxology, Invocation, Lord’s Prayer,...
Keeping Sabbath
Sabbath keeping is not about taking a day off but about being recalled to our knowledge of and gratitude for God’s activity in creating the world, giving liberty to captives, and overcoming the powers...
New Children’s Books to Explore
Come explore the new books in the childrens collection! Here are a few highlights. More, by I. C. Springman: a delightful book about our attachment to material things. The “less is more” theme...
Operations – March 2013
While away on vacation during the Month of February, I have been hoping for a break in the weather at home. However, it looks like Winter will be hanging on for a while. Most of this month’s news from...
March 2013 Disciple
March 2013 FINAL
Saying Yes and Saying No
If we are to enhance and build up the capacities for a good, wholesome, and holy life, we must learn to say yes to what affirms and renews wholeness and life. And we must learn to say a related no to what...
February 24, 2013 – Chip Low – Honoring the Body
Click on the right triangle symbol in the box below to hear the sermon:
February 17, 2013 – Chip Low – Practicing Discernment
Click on the right triangle symbol in the box below to hear the sermon:
Honoring the Body
The practice of Honoring the Body is born of the confidence that our bodies are made in the image of God’s own goodness. As the place where the divine presence dwells, our bodies are worthy of care...