Growing in Faith – Gluttony

“A glutton is one who raids the icebox for a cure for spiritual malnutrition.” ~ Frederick Buechner, Wishful Thinking The trouble with gluttony is that it reduces eating to an exercise in gratifying...

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Growing in Faith – Lust

Lust is a vice because it does not honor the fullness of sex, and it alienates people from each other just when they are supposed to be experiencing intimate union. (“Glittering Vices” p. 165) Lust...

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Growing in Faith – Anger

When it is good, anger is a passion for justice, motivated by love of others…. Anger turns vicious, however, when it fights for its own cause, not for justice, and when it fights dirty. (Glittering Vices,...

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Growing in Faith – Avarice

Avarice/Greed is an excessive love of or desire for money and any possession money can buy. ~Glittering Vices, p. 100 Avarice is not just about having more, it’s about what is mine. ~Glittering Vices,...

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