Statistically, one out of every five individuals in the US suffers from a mental health problem each year. One out of every 25 individuals in the US are dealing with a serious mental health disorder. Half...
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Seeking Help for Jan Peek and Noontime Meal
We are looking for people to volunteer to cook and serve meals at Jan Peek Shelter in 2023. Sign-up is easy We are also hoping to resume the practice of having a small team prepare the Noontime Meal in...
Let Your Light Shine — January 29, 2023
Scripture reading: Matthew 5:13-16 Sermon by Rev. Tami Seidel: Let Your Light Shine Read the worship bulletin. Download the audio of the sermon or simply watch the service below. If you would like...
Youth Group Meets Today!
Join us for a Youth Gathering for all Middle and High School Youth from 5:30 – 7:30 this evening! Feeling creative? Join us in the Youth Room as we revisit some decorating projects for the Youth...
Sunday School News
We hope you all had a very Happy New Year! Sunday School has had a great start to 2023 after our wonderful Christmas pageant. Thank you again to everyone who helped make the pageant so successful! This...
Women at the Well: March 4
Too busy? Too many demands on your time and energy? Need an infusion of joy and relaxation? Come and refill your cup at the well! Mark your calendars and come join us for our next Women at the Well...
Congregational Meeting and Potluck Lunch: March 5
Another year begins and it’s time for the FPCY Annual Meeting & Pot Luck lunch. Please plan to bring either a main dish, side dish, salad, or dessert. Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free dishes most...