“We’re Here to Serve” words & Music by Sarah Moore How many needs are in this world? Seems too much for any boy or girl Start with one and when you’re done, Start all over again. (Refrain)...
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Youth Event June 21st – “Food Stamp Challenge”
We have now had a “taste” of how food is distributed globally, and will move forward to examine how poverty impacts the 27.9 million people in this country who receive food stamps. The next...
Creating & Commissioning – Who’s in Charge? – June 15, 2014
This week, our Pastor, Chip Low, was out-of-town due to a death in his family, and our Parish Associate, Tami Seidel, was attending the General Assembly in Detroit. The Reverend Sim Gardner led our service....
Mission Opportunities
Midnight Run Mark your calendars! We will be going on a Midnight Run on Friday, September 19th. We’ve got a driver (thank you, Jack Shaughnessy!) and the beginnings of a team (Elders Robin Corpolongo,...
Children’s Sunday – June 8, 2014
Adult Volunteers of our Education Ministry This week’s service celebrated the children and youth of our church with music by our bell choirs and youth, and the many adult volunteers who staffed...
Youth Event June 14th – Pool Party
“Come! Join us on Saturday, June 14th, 12 – 6 p.m. for a “Thank You” Pool Party at the Sherman’s. All you need to bring is a thankful heart, some great food to share, your...
“Chalkboard” June 2014
We want to take this time to thank everyone for a terrific Sunday School year! Through all the teachers shepherds, gathering time leaders and storytellers, the children have grown tremendously in their...
Look With Emmaus Eyes – June 1, 2014
Scripture reading: I Chronicles 29:14-19 and Luke 24:13-35 Sermon by Charles Barton: Look with Emmaus Eyes Click here to read the worship bulletin.