Operations Update

The story of February has been snow! Jose has been more than busy clearing the walks and entrances to our Church facilities. He has come in early on many occasions this month and stayed late to be sure...

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Youth Group: How’s It Going?

We’re halfway through the first year of the new youth ministry model we implemented at the start of this program year. We’d like to share some achievements and observations… Youth Group by...

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Invitation to Lent

“God’s divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness.” ~2 Peter 1:3 The season of Lent is a rich opportunity for self-examination that builds on the season of Epiphany....

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Why I Knit

In December, many smiling children crowded around the Mitten Tree and chose their favorite mittens, hats, and scarves. This joyous event inspired Christine Lazarus and daughter Chloe to start knitting...

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