Richard Witt, Executive Director of the Rural & Migrant Ministry, will be our special guest preacher at both services on Peace & Justice Sunday (November 11th). Ordained as an Episcopal priest,...
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Living By Faith — October 21, 2018
Scripture readings: Hebrews 11:1-9, 1 Kings 19:1-10 Sermon by Chip Low: Living By Faith Click here to read the worship bulletin. To download the audio of the sermon, click here or you can simply...
Special Prayer Event on November 3 from Noon to 2pm
During this season of prayer and discernment for ourselves and for our church, we invite you to a prayer event on Saturday, November 3, From 12-2pm for a church-wide day of prayer. There...
A New Look for MyFPCY
MyFPCY will have a new home next week. Members should have received an invitation to set up a login on the new system. You can still use the shortcut to reach the new home, or use the button...
Fall Work Party November 3
Let’s get the church and grounds ready for Winter! We are having our annual Fall work party on Saturday, November 3 from 8:30 to 12:30. Contact Deanna Collins if you would like to participate, 914-245-6749. A...
Real and Fake News: How to Tell the Difference
“Fake news” isn’t just something the president likes to talk about – it’s a huge issue in the rapidly changing nature of how we consume and react to the torrent of information...
Arts And Crafts Fair November 17
On Saturday, November 17, 2018 we will hold our second annual Arts and Crafts Fair from 10am to 4pm. See our Facebook page for examples of the work of the artisans attending! Proceeds...
Highlights of Our Celebration of Ministry Worship
Video highlights of our Ministry Sunday Worship. The “Parade of Bells,” news from our Food Pantry, and “Why I Give,” from Jessica Mayes. Plus our video sermon!
Join with Teatown for “Zero Waste”
From Teatown: From October to December we will take aim at waste reduction and conscious consumerism, exploring the concept of zero waste and the steps we can take toward a sustainable lifestyle. Here’s...
Imagine the Impact! — October 14, 2018
Scripture reading: Romans 12:1-18, Mark 2:1-12 Sermon by Tami Seidel: Imagine the Impact! Click here to read the worship bulletin. To download the audio of the sermon, click here or you can simply play...