Scripture reading: John 1:1-5, 14; Phillipians 2:5-11 Sermon by Tami Seidel: Credo: I Give My Heart To…Jesus Christ Click here to read the worship bulletin. To download the audio of the sermon,...
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Green Lawn Care from Your Green Team
This information is excerpted from the Cornell Cooperative Extension fact sheet “Lawn Care without Pesticides.” Can home lawns be maintained without pesticides? Yes, they can, and they may...
Holy Week Schedule
Holy Week is an opportunity to reaffirm our faith and give our hearts to the good news of God’s love with the help of The Apostles’ Creed. Maundy Thursday we discover that Jesus suffered with us and...
Credo: I Give My Heart To… God — March 17, 2019
Scripture Readings: Psalm 19:1-6, 14, Acts 17:22-29. Sermon by Chip Low: Credo: I Give My Heart To… God. Read the worship bulletin. To download the audio of the sermon, click here or you can simply...
Mission Trip Informational Meeting March 31
Summer Mission Trip — Dominican Republic — July 27 to August 4 Join us as we build a house for a family in La Guama, a community where 60% of the residents live below the poverty line. We are partnering...
Tuesday Mornings: Race in Post-Obama America
Tuesday morning Adult Study is continuing our conversation about faith, race and privilege by reading the book Race in Post-Obama America: The Church Responds, a collection of essays about the history...
Lunch Bunch St. Patrick’s Day Lunch March 20
Lunch bunch will be having their St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon on Wednesday March 20th at Noon in Fellowship Hall. Cost is $15. Monies and reservations need to be in by Sunday March the 17th. Please bring...
Vacation Bible School: Register Now!
Register Now! Teen volunteer hours Teen Orientation * TBA Training: July 2, 3 * 9-12 noon VBS – July 8-12 * 8:30-1pm Closing Worship Service July 12 @ 7pm Adult volunteer hours Adult Leader...
Did You Know? MyFPCY = REALM
Things to know about our online member site: MyFPCY and REALM are the same! MyFPCY is the name of our online directory/giving site for members. REALM is the software that runs it. So when you hear one...
New in the Church Library: Learning From My Father
To me, it seems unusual to have a book of faith-related reflections written by a lawyer and business executive. But Learning from my Father; Lessons on Life and Faith, by David Lawther Johnson (248 J)...