We are creating a more welcoming entrance for all from the back parking lot– a covered portico and wheelchair accessible ramp! The accessible concrete ramp was poured today.
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August’s Item of the Month: Canned Corn
In August we are again asking for canned corn. This is among our most popular items! When the Deacons suggest an “item of the month,” it’s not just some suggestion from a rotating calendar, it’s...
Lord, Teach Us to Pray — July 28, 2019
Scripture reading: Luke 11:1-13 Sermon by Tami Seidel: Lord, Teach Us to Pray Read the worship bulletin. Download the audio of the sermon or simply play the sermon below. If you...
August is an Opportunity to Give to the Deacons’ Fund
Many of us no longer use offering envelopes, so we don’t get that little twice-a-year reminder about the Deacons’ Fund. In the midst of our blessings, however, the Deacons ask that you remember those...
Pray for our DR Mission Trip Participants
From July 27 through Aug 4, we will send a team of fourteen to build a house for a family in La Guama, a community where 60% of the residents live below the poverty line. We are partnering with Bridges...
Blood Drive August 17
Did you know that every two seconds someone in American needs a blood transfusion? And did you know that all of us can help? Your blood donation could help a newborn infant, someone being treated for...
Buen Camino – July 21, 2019
Scripture Lessons: Mark 10:13-16, Ephesians 3:14-21. Sermon by Chip Low: Buen Camino. Read the worship bulletin. Download the audio of the sermon or simply play the sermon below. Note...
The Repair Cafe
We all know about “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,” right? Do you feel frustrated when you have something that is broken and you don’t have the skills to fix it? You hate to throw it out, but...
Pray for this Summer’s FPCY Triennium Participants
From July 15 through 21, FPCY Youth and chaperones will join other youth from the Hudson River Presbytery and head to the campus of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana for the 2019 Presbyterian...
Food Trucks and Salad Bowls: Local Food Justice
This Sunday, July 21, 6pm. We are skipping the truck for this talk for a “Hearty Salad for Dinner while working toward Local Food Justice.” Salad greens and many toppings provided. Come...