Key Changes — Message from Garrett

Key changes are a good thing! We have officially started our fall season! Music rehearsals are resuming which means it’s time to check in on our pianos. Aside from regular tunings, it’s important...

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Faith4Life – October 2020

The Faith4Life Planning Team hopes that you are enjoying your weekday “GIFTS.” The posts are currently being written by Lynn Edling, Connie Knapp, Eric Kreuter, Chip Low and Tami Seidel. We’d love...

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October 2020 Disciple

During the Covid-19 pandemic, printed versions will not be mailed unless requested. If others in your family would like it delivered to their e-mail box, please share their address with the office and...

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Congregational Life Events

As our virtual fellowship connections extends into 7 months, this Commission continues to find ways to celebrate and enjoy our friendships and community spirit. We are offering some Saturday Night Specials...

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Youth Group Meetings

Happy Fall everyone! As we settle in to our new school year routines, Youth Groups have started meeting again. Our Middle School Youth Group (grades 6-8) meets via Zoom two Wednesdays a month and our...

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