As parents, we want our children to have a healthy view of themselves and their bodies, and to make good choices about relationships which reflect our Christian values. Yet, talking about sex and sexuality...
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Planting Seeds, Growing Faith – February 7, 2016
First scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 (not recorded) Second scripture reading: Mark 4:26-32 Sermon by Tami Seidel: Planting Seeds, Growing Faith Click here to read the worship bulletin. To download...
Sunday Morning Adult Ed: Honoring the Body
In keeping with our Lenten theme Coming to our Senses: Honoring the Body during Lent, we will read and discuss Stephanie Paulsell’s book Honoring the Body: Meditations on a Christian Practice....
Thursday Morning Adult Ed: Christianity’s Family Tree
Join us for our Thursday morning Lenten adult ed study. We’ll be reading Adam Hamilton’s Christianity’s Family Tree. Through our study of the beliefs and practices of Orthodoxy, Catholicism,...
It’s Time for the Deacons’ Fund Offering
Remember Offering Envelopes? In February and August there are special offering envelopes intended for the Deacons’ fund. Some people still use the box of envelopes, but many people now give electronically,...
Dean’s Beans Coffee for Sale to Support our Mission Trips
Have you enjoyed the coffee served at Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall? We purchase all of our coffee from Dean’s Beans, and it is organic, fair-trade, shade-grown, bird-friendly (and Kosher to...
Youth News February 2016
All Youth will be cooking and serving the Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 9– beginning at 4 pm. We will have our regular meeting on February 14, with the middle school youth meeting from...
Water in the Desert — January 31, 2016
Scripture reading: Psalm 126 Sermon by Connie Knapp: Water in the Desert Click here to read the worship bulletin. To download the audio of the sermon, click here or you can simply play the sermon...
Help Support Mission Trips with your Deposit Cans and Bottles!
We have an easy way for you to help support our mission trip to Atlanta this summer– bring in your bottles and cans that have a deposit and let the Mission Trip Team collect your refund! There is...