October 2017 Disciple
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Commission Carnival October 15
Have you ever marveled at how many upcoming activities and events are mentioned during announcements at worship or in the Disciple? Have you ever wondered how so many things “just happen”? Well,...
Blessed are the Peacemakers – Peacemaking Offering
A gift to the Peace & Global Witness Offering enables the church to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of injustice across the world. Individual congregations are encouraged to utilize...
The Youth Lock-In is Coming Up October 8-9
What’s a Lock-In? It’s a sleep-over party at church! We’ll have tasty food, play games, watch a movie, do a small service project, and get some sleep… eventually. When...
Mission Trip Sunday – September 24, 2017
Scripture Lesson: Luke 10:25-37. Reflections by Ryan Chin, Max Tieche. Scripture Lesson: Mark 10:17-22. Reflections by Barbara Humphrey, Margaret Gruber, Sophie Low. To read the worship bulletin,...
Grow Your Faith This Fall
Why should the kids have all the fun, and get to go back to school? Have you ever wanted to engage in stimulating conversation, faithful fellowship and serious Bible study with a group of like-minded...
YAV Emma in the Philippines – First Three Weeks
Emma writes: From our itinerary so far, I’d like to pull out just a few pieces of my experience to share. First, I want to explain that this experience, from my own perspective, has been at times uncomfortable....
Shopping at Amazon Can Help the Church!
Did you know that Amazon will give 0.5% of eligible purchases to the church if you set the church (“First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown”) as your designated charity in the Amazon Smile program? Just...
Concert Series Presents “Masquerade” October 21
Just in time for Halloween, the First Presbyterian Church Concert Series will kick off its seventeenth season on Saturday, October 21st at 7:30 p.m., with Masquerade, featuring elegant...