Besides serving on Green Faith, I also serve on Stewardship this year. On behalf of the Stewardship Commission I would like to thank this congregation for its generosity in pledging and giving. Each...
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Our “Solarize” Experience — Donna Gresh
About three years ago, I saw a large sign at the Hendrick Hudson Library, a regular stop on my travels around town, proclaiming “Solarize Cortlandt.” I looked into it, and learned about a program...
Do You Want More Information On “Resurrection Actions”?
Our special Earth Day worship includes a call to action: What will you commit to doing? Here are some suggestions with links to more information. Read the Disciple electronically instead of on paper....
Midnight Run Help Needed
MIDNIGHT RUN, MAY 18 Our church still needs at least 5 people to go on the Run, 2 more people to help in the kitchen the night of the Run, and 3 Clean Up people for after the Run on Saturday morning. ...
Sunday is Youth Group day! It’s also Earth Day!
This Sunday we will show some love to God’s creation as we upcycle our extensive collection of t-shirts into an area rug for the Youth Room (I’m not even kidding, we’ve...
Spring Cleanup May 5
Our annual Spring Cleanup is on Saturday, May 5. Many hands make light work! Please join us for the whole time or whatever time you can. Deanna Collins will be signing people up in the Gathering Space...
Earth Day April 22!
Earth Day falls on Sunday this year! Celebrate with your Green Team with special worship services at 8:30am and 10:45am.
Building an Easter Church – April 15, 2018
Scripture Lessons: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Acts 4:32-35 Sermon by Rev. Chip Low: Building an Easter Church Click here to read the worship bulletin. If you would like to subscribe to the weekly podcasts,...
Talent Show This Sunday at 3 pm!
You may recall that the Talent Show was originally scheduled in March, but then storm “Quinn” left many of us in the dark, including the church building. Well it’s been rescheduled for...
Vendors Wanted for this Fall’s Arts and Crafts Fair
On Saturday, November 17, 2018 we will hold our second annual Arts and Crafts Fair in Fellowship Hall from 10am to 4pm. Artisans can find an application for this year’s fair here. You can...