A Special Meeting of the Congregation and Corporation of the First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown will be held on Sunday, December 9, 2018 in the Sanctuary following the 10:45am Worship Service for...
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Bake Sale December 9
From 9am to 1 pm! Stop by the tables in Fellowship Hall after each service. Wonderful homemade goodies…perfect to lighten your baking load or as a quick gift!
Christmas Joy Offering: The Perfect Gift
You can give to the Christmas Joy offering using the special envelope, marking your check or gift “Christmas Joy,” or online. In the lead up to Christmas, many of us spend time in search...
Advent Brunches on December 2
Join Congregational Life for a “First Sunday of Advent Celebration” on December 2 Following the 8:30 am Service there will be some warm, savory food with coffee and tea. Bring...
Deck the halls … with mounds of discarded wrapping paper?
NO, NO, NO! Let’s not! How about this year we make a sincere effort to “go green”? Let’s recycle. Here are some ideas. I’ll start off with an oldie but a goodie. Separately wrap the bottom...
Christmas Joy Offering this December
Each year during the Advent and Christmas season, we turn our eyes to Bethlehem and celebrate the wondrous gift of Jesus Christ, our Savior. By giving to the Christmas Joy Offering, you honor this gift...
Giving Sunday — December 9
Time to put the annual Giving Sunday on your calendar: Sunday, December 9. Choose from one (or all) of the following four giving opportunities at both our 8:30am and 10:45am services: Coats for Kids...
Announcement Sunday: December 9
Plan to attend church services on Announcement Sunday, December 9, where we will learn of the total amount pledged to the Capital Campaign, and the amount already given as “First Fruits.”...
New in the Library: Almost Everything by Anne Lamott
Just in time for the holiday season comes another best-seller by Anne Lamott. This one could not be more appropriate for right now: Almost Everything; Notes on Hope (248 L). The very first sentence of...