January 2013 FINAL
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January 2013
The Deacons had a very active year in 2012, marked by a new commitment to “presence” in our ministry. The retreat led by Chip encouraged us all to make the work of the Deacons the work of the Church,...
“…by another road…together”
Despite not going to bed until after 1:00 a.m., I woke up early on Christmas Day excited about our trip to visit my family in Texas. I was looking forward to some time off and time with family this Christmas...
December 23, 2012 – Chip Low – Jesus’ Wish List
Click on the “right triangle” symbol in the box below to hear the sermon.
December 16,2012 – Chip Low – God’s Scandalous Love
Click on the “right triangle” symbol in the box below to hear the sermon”
Genesis: A Living Conversation
The stories found in the Book of Genesis spoke to our ancestors more than three thousand years ago–and they speak to us today. What explains their staying power? Join us for a continuation of our...
Embracing a Life of Meaning: Kathleen Norris on Discovering What Matters
Study-Prayer Group Led by Rev. Tami Seidel Best-selling author Kathleen Norris gives us a way of exploring what matters most if we are truly seeking a meaningful life: Faith matters – to what do we give...
The Many Faces of Mary, Mother of Jesus
A Mini-Retreat led by Rev. Tami Seidel “The Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is Hs name. . . He has cast down the mighty from their thrones and has lifted up the lowly.” Like Mary,...
December 9, 2012 – Chip Low – Giving Up On Perfect
Click on the “Right Triangle” symbol in the box below to hear the sermon.”