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Green Faith, Green Church — April 24, 2016
Scripture readings: Genesis 2:4-9, 15, Romans 8:18-25 Sermon by members of the GreenFaith team: Green Faith, Green Church Click here to read the worship bulletin. To download the audio of the sermon,...
Celebrating the Gifts of Women May 8, 2016
Joins us for worship on Sunday May 8 at 8:30 and 10:45 as we celebrate the Gifts of Women.
Easter Here and There – April 17, 2016
Scripture Readings: Psalm 23; Acts 9:32-43 Sermon by Chip Low: Easter Here and There To download the audio of the sermon, click here or you can simply play the audio below. Click here to read the worship...
In the Church Library: When Breath Becomes Air
The neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi learned he had lung cancer when he was 35 and died two years later. When Breath becomes Air (155.9 K) is his meditation on the reversal of roles when a doctor becomes a patient....
Church School Chalkboard April 2016
Happy Spring to our children, families and Church school staff! Here is what has been happening in Church School… Holy Week ended on Easter Sunday, Jesus has Risen!! In our Spark program (PreK...
The 2016 Easter Offering
The Easter Offering will support Midnight Run and the Diaper Ministry of the Food Pantry. Donations can be made anytime online, in the Sunday offering or by mail. Mark your gift “Easter Offering”
A New Model for the Food Pantry?
Currently the FPCY Pantry delivers 175200 prepackaged bags per month. In 2015 over 464 households received approximately 4,320 bags of Prepackaged groceries. Just to give you an idea of...
April 2016 Disciple
April 2016 Disciple