Come one, come all as we finish the creation of the labyrinth starting at 8 am on Saturday, October 8!
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New Member Classes Beginning October 9
Interested in learning more about us and the Presbyterian church, asking questions and sharing doubts? Wondering how to unite with FPCY and join in its mission? Come and learn more at the four-class...
GO!! – Reflections of the Presbyterian Youth Triennium – September 25, 2016
Scripture Readings: Luke 2:8 – 15 and Matthew 28:18 – 20 Scripture readings by Margaret Gruber and Chip Low. Presbyterian Youth Triennium Reflections by Natalie Swift and Luke Torres-Rossi. Click...
Peace and Global Witness Offering 2016
The Peace & Global Witness Offering challenges us to look at the world not as a place where conflict is inevitable, but where Christ’s peace is possible. In places of abiding conflict, the Peace...
No Idling Zone!
There are two brand-new “No Idling” signs at our front and back entrances. These are to remind all who visit our church that idling is bad for the environment. This is just one small part...
The Usher Ministry – Practicing Radical Hospitality
The Usher Ministry was created to organize and share our hospitality with those who come to worship and to build fellowship through the establishment of consistent Usher teams sharing responsibility throughout...
The Practice of Radical Hospitality: Receive God’s Love – September 18, 2016
Scripture Reading: Luke 19: 1-10. Sermon by Chip Low: The Practice of Radical Hospitality: Receive God’s Love. Click here to read the worship bulletin. To download the audio of the sermon,...
In Depth Bible Study Starting Soon
In-depth bible study groups will be starting again soon. Participants from last year and the year before wrote of what it meant to them. The Adult Education Planning Team has decided that this year we...
Thursday Morning Adult Education: A Letter to My Anxious Christian Friends
On Thursday Mornings @ 10:00 am (starting September 29) We live in a time of rapid social change and a tumultuous political campaign season. How does our faith impact our responsibility as citizens? Join...