On June 18, we will celebrate our Graduates and honor the Men of the Church who have been fathers in faith to us.
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Children’s Sunday June 11
Our children and youth will lead us in Children’s Day worship as we move to one service at 10:00am on June 11 and celebrate the faith and commitment of all those involved in our children’s and youth...
June 4, 2017 is Pentecost
Celebrate the Spirit! Don’t forget to wear read on June 4 for Pentecost Sunday!
Summer Worship Begins June 11
Note that this summer, the time for our single worship service will be 10:00 am, not 9:30 am as it has in the past. The single service will continue through September 3.
Reflections on Growing in Faith – May 21, 2017
Scripture Lessons: Proverbs 2:1-11, John 8:31-32, Colossians 3:16-17. Sermon: Reflections on Growing in Faith by Linda Swift, Gordon Braudaway, and Katharine Frase. To read the worship...
Serving Behind the Scenes — May 14, 2017
Scripture reading: Exodus 1:8-21 Sermon by Tami Seidel: Serving Behind the Scenes Click here to read the worship bulletin. To download the audio of Brett Yarris’ testimony titled, “Celebrating...
In the Church Library – the Practice of Sabbath
Many of you appreciated our Lenten focus on the practice of Sabbath, and many would like to continue to explore how this spiritual discipline can help us grow in our faith and thrive in our daily lives. In...
Church School News for May 2017
As we prepare for our final rotation (Jesus Feeds 5,000), we are marveling at how quickly this Sunday School year has passed! What a wonderful year it has been, thinking and learning about all the ways...
Help Support the 2017 Mission Trips to Annapolis, MD & Caimonial, Dominican Republic
Send your hands and feet with our team’s hands and feet to serve in this year’s mission trips to Annapolis and DR in July. Look for our table in the Gathering Space where you can make a donation to...