Each year we encourage gifts for older children both for the Bedford program as well as the Toys for Tots program, which often has more gifts for younger children than for older. Some examples are sports equipment,...
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November 2017 Disciple
November 2017 Disciple
Toys for Tots 2017
We need new unwrapped toys for young children for our Food Pantry Toys for Tots distribution. We usually request gifts for older children for this effort. This year we have been told by the Marines, who...
We will Serve the Lord… — November 12, 2017
Scripture readings: Joshua 24:14-25, Matthew 25:1-13 Sermon by Rick Ufford-Chase: We will Serve the Lord… Click here to read the worship bulletin. To download the audio of the sermon, click...
New in the Church Library – Tattoos on the Heart
The gang-infested ghettos of Los Angeles are so far from suburban Westchester County that it’s difficult to imagine what it’s like. Jesuit priest Gregory Boyle has gathered anecdotes and insights from...
Sunday School News – November 2017
The Sunday School program is in full swing — and in full “sing”! “Moses and the Burning Bush” was the unit for most of October, and the children have been quick to learn...
Toys for Children – Bedford Prison Program
We need new unwrapped toys for children for Bedford Prison Children’s program as part of the parenting program there. They especially ask for games, crafts kits, and dolls of color. They can not accept...
Gerard Carelli and the Carelli Jazz Quartet, December 9
The FPC Concert Season will feature Gerard Carelli and the Carelli Jazz Quartet on Saturday, December 9th at 7:30 p.m. for a Jazz Holiday Soiree in the historic sanctuary of The First Presbyterian Church...
Youth News – November 2017
Thank you to everyone who came to the Lock-In on Columbus weekend! We had a ton of fun. And thanks to everyone from the congregation who donated supplies for the hygiene kits we assembled at the Lock-In!...