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Do You Shop at Amazon? Your Shopping Can Help the Church
Did you know that Amazon will give 0.5% of eligible purchases to the church if you set the church (“First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown”) as your designated charity in the Amazon Smile program? Just...
All Church Activities Cancelled March 4
Due to the state of emergency in Yorktown and very limited power/light/heat in the church, we are cancelling all church activities including all afternoon/evening events tomorrow, Sunday, March...
Talent Show Postponed
Due to the state of emergency in Yorktown and very limited power/light/heat in the church, we are cancelling all church activities including all afternoon/evening events tomorrow, Sunday, March...
Vacation Bible School 2018 Registration Open
Rolling River Rampage invites children on a white-water rafting adventure to experience the ride of a lifetime with God! Along the river, children discover that life with God is an adventure...
Interfaith Youth Bowling Outing March 11
Interfaith Youth Bowling March 11, 6-8 pm at Jefferson Valley Lanes Calling all Middle and High Schoolers: Sunday evening, March 11, we will meet up with youth from several...
Mission Trip Informational Meeting March 11
Save the Date for the Summer Mission Trip: July 15-20, 2018 Come find out more information on Sunday, March 11! We will again be partnering with DOOR, as we did two summers ago in Atlanta, but...
New in the Church Library – March 2018
In Good Mourning; getting through your grief (155.9 C), Allan Hugh Cole wisely and gently guides the person who has suffered a loss, first through grief and then through mourning. He offers an array of...
March Item of the Month: Canned Fruit
As you know, we now have a Full Choice model at the Food Pantry, where our clients can choose items that best fulfill the needs of their household. We buy food in bulk from the Westchester Food...
A Short Video by Pastor Chip: Love is Forgiveness