UPDATE Dear Friends, It’s been tough week for all of us in light of our ever evolving understanding of the Covid -19 situation and the ripple of its effects on our families and community....
Our Mission
Talent Show to Support the Puerto Rico Mission Trip
The Talent Show is postponed until further notice due to the Corona Virus outbreak Hurricane María hit Puerto Rico in September, 2017. The federal government declared the entire island a national disaster....
Deacons’ Corner
“Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.” – Fred Rogers Walk along with the Deacons as we are at the beginning of something else....
Pantry News March 2020
In January 2020, we served 212 families (151 unique), for a total of 813 individuals. We distributed 68 packs of diapers and 57 packs of eldercare products as well as 24 cases of Ensure to clients over...
Noontime Meal Prep March 10
All are invited to join our team of Noon Time Meal volunteers as we prepare a monthly meal for the Peekskill Salvation Army. We prep the meal on Tuesday and they cook it on Wednesday. If you can scrub...
Sign up for this summer’s mission trip to Puerto Rico
Sign up for this summer’s mission trip to Puerto Rico to work with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance! The trip is July 18 – 25, 2020 and is open to adults and youth who will be 15 years old...
One Great Hour of Sharing March 2020
In a world of disaster, hunger, and oppression… Millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity. The three programs supported by One...
YAV Langley: Seeing in the Dark
Langley reminds us that “the good news of Jesus is that we don’t have to wait until we die to experience the kingdom of heaven on earth.” She writes: Once I took out my headphones and refocused...
Item of the Month for March: Pasta Pasta Pasta
Everyone loves pasta! And we invite you to donate all sorts: regular, whole wheat, veggie-loaded, high-protein… and rigatoni, cork screw, butterfly, ziti, … you get the idea! Variety is the...
Lenten 2020 Waste Challenge
HRP Green has issued a Lenten Zero Waste Challenge for congregations. Here are some options for you to take to help meet this challenge: You are always welcome to bring in food for a church event. Here...