Important Update, because of concerns about COVID-19 We are holding our pantry distribution outside with a drive-through hands-free model for everyone’s safety All volunteers will wear gloves We...
Food Pantry Plus
Item of the Month for April: Breakfast Cereal
Yes, the Food Pantry is still operating, helping our hungry neighbors, now with a drive-through no-contact model. We buy food in bulk from Feeding Westchester, but breakfast cereal is one of the more...
Food Pantry Update
Hunger doesn’t know about Covid-19 As many of you may have seen on Facebook, for our March 14th pantry we switched to pre-packed bags and fresh air distribution, out of health safety considerations...
Pantry News March 2020
In January 2020, we served 212 families (151 unique), for a total of 813 individuals. We distributed 68 packs of diapers and 57 packs of eldercare products as well as 24 cases of Ensure to clients over...
Item of the Month for March: Pasta Pasta Pasta
Everyone loves pasta! And we invite you to donate all sorts: regular, whole wheat, veggie-loaded, high-protein… and rigatoni, cork screw, butterfly, ziti, … you get the idea! Variety is the...
Souper Bowl of Caring
So much generosity was expressed in our “Souper Bowl of Caring” yesterday. The Mohansic School contributed 278 cans of soup to our Food Pantry, and our congregation contributed 130 cans of...
Item of the Month for February: Canned Fruit or Fruit Juice
Canned fruit (and bottles of fruit juice) are popular items at our Food Pantry, and part of the requirement that we provide a balanced selection of fruit, vegetables, grains, and proteins. As you know,...
Souper Bowl of Caring – February 2
The Souper Bowl of Caring is the result of thousands of young people joining together to fight hunger and poverty in their local communities. This unique, youth-led movement of caring is transforming...
Item of the Month for January: Hearty Soup
As you know, we now have a Full Choice model at the Food Pantry, where our clients can choose items that best fulfill the needs of their household. We buy food in bulk from Feeding Westchester, but...
The Hat and Mitten Tree
Each year in December we are able to give hats and mittens to our Food Pantry families through the generous donations to our hat and mitten tree, and especially due to the very generous knitters who donated...