News from Operations

Summer Project Recap While our building was full of the sounds of children at the summer music camp over the last few months, Operations & Campaign projects continued. Here are a few highlights: New...

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Operations Commission Report: April 2015

Improvement Projects: Sanctuary: As previously reported, we have completed the work on the pews in the East side of the Sanctuary balcony. Now we are focusing on the woodwork surrounding the windows and...

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Spring Clean-Up is May 31

Our annual Spring Work Party is coming up May 31. You are invited to join us starting at 8:30am for both inside and outside clean-up work. There will be jobs for everyone! Please bring gloves, garden tools,...

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Operations Update

Floor Remediation: Our tiling project in the Gathering Space, Cross Hallway and the Coat Room has been completed. This entailed ripping up the old tile, putting down a ¼ inch 5 ply subfloor and then laying...

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Operations Update

The story of February has been snow! Jose has been more than busy clearing the walks and entrances to our Church facilities. He has come in early on many occasions this month and stayed late to be sure...

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Operations Report January 2014

Progress continued during the past month on improvements and maintenance of our facilities. Key accomplishments were: The north wall of the Narthex has been finished following removal of a cabinet. New...

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Operations June, 2013

Wow! We were hoping for spring and all of a sudden the April, now May, showers seem to just keep coming after a very long dry spell. Nevertheless, the new growing season is upon us and the plants are in...

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Operations Report – April 2013

I am sure everyone is looking forward to Spring — by that I mean the weather — not the vernal equinox. Winter seems to be determined to hang on this year rather tenaciously. Despite this, we...

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Operations – March 2013

While away on vacation during the Month of February, I have been hoping for a break in the weather at home. However, it looks like Winter will be hanging on for a while. Most of this month’s news from...

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Operations Update

We completed our last Work Party for the year today. A very big Thank You is passed along to Skip Mahnke, David Cruikshank, Don Blaney, Ed de Jong and Bill Friscia for helping me with the final winterization...

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