Operations Report – April 2013

I am sure everyone is looking forward to Spring — by that I mean the weather — not the vernal equinox. Winter seems to be determined to hang on this year rather tenaciously. Despite this, we are beginning to make our plans for the arrival of warm weather.

Spring Clean-up:

The date reserved for Spring Clean-up is May 18thwith a rain date of June 1st. Now would be a great time to mark your calendars for this traditional event. We not only get a lot of work done, but gather in community and camaraderie. We will have “lite” & heavy duty jobs, inside and outside work, clean-hands and dirty hands chores and, as always, a great lunch. Please don’t miss out. Mark your calendars and plan to join us for a “fun work time”!


Our program of improvements is on-going. New progress has been made in the following areas:

– The Nursery is now completely redone with painting throughout.

– Painting of the coat closet which is near the Nursery.

– All of our offering plates have been refinished and look great due to the efforts of Jose.

– We offer a very big thank you to SavATree of Bedford for recent work they did at the church and in the East Yard Cemetery. They kindly donated the use of their bucket truck for the work that was done. We are very grateful for this generosity.

New projects include refinishing the outside South Entrance near room 1, and refinishing the greeting table which is located in the Narthex.



We have had a problem with raccoons which are visiting the grounds during the daylight hours which is very unusual. One has been trapped and another got away before we could get the proper people on sight. Raccoons can be dangerous. If you see one, please let one of the staff members know so that they can call the right people to try to trap the animal. Please do not try to feed such an animal.

The propane water heater has been repaired and we have good hot water once again throughout the facility. A faucet which was leaking has been replaced in a preschool bathroom. A leaky faucet in the bathroom near the office has been repaired as well.

Our goal is to keep our facilities and grounds in first-class condition. If you see something that needs repair or improvement, please do not hesitate to bring it to the attention of the Operations Commission. You may contact any member of the Commission or me.

Thanks to all for helping us to keep things in good shape and for volunteering when we call for assistance. Everyone’s effort is very much appreciated! Think spring and think about our upcoming Spring Clean-up. Thanks!

Dick Seymour, Chair of Operations & Facilities Coordinator

