Operations Commission Report: April 2015

BLOG Operations

Improvement Projects:

Sanctuary: As previously reported, we have completed the work on the pews in the East side of the Sanctuary balcony. Now we are focusing on the woodwork surrounding the windows and that of the baseboard at floor level. Over the past couple of months, Jose had finished all of the woodwork on the East side of the balcony. He is now moving to the South wall where the organ screen is located.

Co-pastor Offices: All of the new furniture for the Co-Pastor’s offices has been installed and both offices are now complete.

Energy Efficient Lighting: All of our work in making our lighting systems “green” has been completed. We are carefully monitoring our electrical usage and will report on out actual savings at a later date.


Pest Management: Our contract with J.P. McHale for on-going pest management has been very successful. We have had no recurrence of ants and less evidence of mice in the cellars.

Parking Lots and Driveways: It has been a difficult winter to say the least. We have had a marked increase in our need for snow plowing and clearing of sidewalks. Overall, our snow plow service has done an excellent job in clearing the parking lots and driveways. However, we have accumulated much snow at the ends of the parking lots which has eliminated a few parking spaces. With the recent melting, we are hopeful this problem will be rectified soon. An extra note is in order with regard to our North parking lots. In that these lots are clay and gravel based, it is not possible to get snow completely off as we do in the paved parking lots. If we were to try, it would result in digging down into the surface of the parking lot and moving much of the top layer of material to piles at the end of the lots. Therefore, we try to take off as much as possible without damaging the surface of the parking lots. This sometimes leaves a somewhat icy surface. When this happens, we ask for the North lots to be sanded. Sanding is expensive so we try to gauge our need and act judiciously. At any time you feel the North lots are too slippery, let Lisa know and she will call for the sanding operation.

Our rather extensive facilities are used by well over a twelve hundred people each week. This is a blessing as it is a fundamental part of out mission work and community outreach. However, as a result of of our high usage and the increasing age of our facilities, routine maintenance is required on a daily basis. We don’t always see something amiss as soon as a user of the facility or a member does. Therefore, we continue our requests to please let us know if you see something that is not up to par. We will endeavor to remedy any issue quickly or plan for a longer range improvement if that is what is called for.

Dick Seymour, Facilities Coordinator and Co-Chair of Operations
Dave Ramage, Co-Chair of Operations
