Come one, come all….the Youth Group and Confirmation class will be hosting our annual Shrove Tuesday — Pancake Supper on Tuesday, March 4th from 5-7 pm. Here’s a quick preview for anyone...
What’s Happening
Movie Night – February 22
Saturday, February 22, 7 pm, Fellowship Hall I AM is an entertaining non-fiction film that poses two questions: what’s wrong with our world, and what can we do to make it better? The filmmaker behind...
this week at-a-glance
For a more detailed view of building use, click the calendar below. January 13-19, 2014 January 20-26, 2014
Pray, Be Present and Make Space
I regularly feel a sense of gratitude for all the people who make our ministry happen, and June is a time to give thanks for the people who nurture faith in our children and youth. With each baptism, we...
Household Economics
Good economics practice – positive ways of exchanging goods and services – is about the well-being, the livelihood, of the whole household. In the face of great economic and environmental challenges,...
Shaping Communities
We have inherited a large house, a great “world house” in which we have to live together—black and white, Easterner and Westerner, Gentile and Jew, Catholic and Protestant, Moslem and Hindu—a family...
Making Space
Signs are everywhere that Bulk Trash day is coming. I’ve seen used toys, broken cabinets, old computer monitors and TVs, mounds of boxes, big black garbage bags stuffed full, even a piano along the side...
Dying Well
In the Christian practice of dying well, Christian people do things with and for one another in response to God’s strong love, translating into concrete acts our belief in the resurrection of Christ,...
When you express what is authentic to God’s creative Spirit within you, you bring a unique gift to the world, because no one else can say or do or see the world exactly the way you can. God’s Spirit...