Capital Campaign Update for December 2019

Katharine Frase and Vinny Wallace presented an update on the Capital Campaign to the Congregation following our Congregational Meeting on December 8. Katharine Frase: It is a joy to present an update...

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Campaign Project Update November 2019

Have you seen our new office entrance? The columns are in place and painted. Speaking of paint, doesn’t the new door look fantastic? The main back entrance now looks like a main public entrance! The...

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Capital Campaign Update: October 2019

After a couple of brief supply delays, 2 of our current Capital Improvement Projects are back on track! As this issue is being compiled: The wider office door with ADA compliant accessibility is being...

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Campaign Project Update September 2019

It’s been an exciting summer around the church for our capital improvement projects! Here are some of the projects that are complete or nearly complete: A new roof (which now matches the sanctuary...

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Chip’s Message: Growing in Gratitude

Who was it that said, “I love it when a plan comes together!”? I’m pretty sure it was John “Hannibal” Smith on the TV show The A-Team, and I agree with him. His statement comes to mind as I...

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Solar Panels Are Going Up!

Next time you’re at the church check out the solar panels which are going up on the Christian Education Building! Not only will the panels lessen our environmental impact, but they will be a message...

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Work is Underway!

Re-roofing of the education buildings will begin in a few days (weather permitting!), including the construction of an accessible and attractive new entrance to the office and east corridor.   Solar...

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