Campaign Project Management Team update for the Congregation, April 2020

Our Campaign Project Management Team is continuing to meet and plan for the future. Understandably, the various contractors and inspectors are not supporting renovation work while we are all sheltering in place. The next contracted piece of renovation (the refurbishment of Room 7–one of the former preschool rooms– and the completion of the office hallway) is awaiting permits but our application for permits is near the top of the stack when the building department resumes their work.

However, significant progress is still being made! The Operations Commission completed a project in the basement under Rooms 1-2, similar to the work done under the sanctuary to address water and moisture issues. A new electrical service panel has been installed on the west corridor in preparation for the consolidation of food pantry storage and operations to that wing of the building. The Worship Commission was able to complete their selection of new speakers for the Sanctuary, which can be ordered now and installed later. And the kitchen team was able to visit a number of other facilities and create their vision for our kitchen, all before the world changed.

The buildings are closed to meetings and outside groups, but there are small tasks that one or two people can do safely in the interim, for example demolishing the closets in Room 5, ordering shelving for the future pantry storage room, and freshening up Room 1 in anticipation of its use as a new youth room “soon”. We have also moved the replacement of the boilers higher on our list, based on a recent visit by a repairman who alerted us that replacement parts for our model are no longer available. We hope to install the replacement over the summer. Receiving and evaluating bids for that project can be done remotely, and puts us in a good position to hit the ground running when prudent.

It is wonderful to have the financial resources to be able to do these projects and to plan with confidence for our future. If you have not yet contributed to the Capital Campaign “Grounded in Gratitude, Forward in Faith,” please consider doing so, either by check to the office labeled “Capital Campaign,” or online.
