We’ve got a lot going on in the next couple of months that we want you to be a part of! Keep reading for info on: Today’s Youth Group meetings Singing Valentines on February 9 Pancake Supper...
Youth Meetings
Youth Meetings Tomorrow! January 12
Happy 2020! Tomorrow is Youth Group day! Middle Schoolers meet 4:30 – 6 and High Schoolers meet from 6 – 8 pm (there’s a rumor that some of our college friends are planning to make an...
Youth News for December
Hope everyone is having a great break from school and enjoying time with family, friends, and food this weekend!I am super excited that December and Advent both start this Sunday, how about you? We’ve...
Youth Group activities in November and Beyond!
Middle and High School Youth Groups will meet on Sunday, November 10 at our traditional times: 4:30-6 for Middle Schoolers and 6-8 for High Schoolers. Anyone is welcome to join whether you’re...
Youth Meetings October 13
Tomorrow is Youth Group day! Sunday, October 13: Middle School group meets from 4:30- 6; High School from 6-8 pm. We’ll have fun and fellowship for all, so see you there! Special note: next...
Youth (and Everyone Else) Invited to Hike This Weekend
This Sunday, let’s take a walk after church! Our Congregational Life commission invites our whole church family to take a hike this Sunday, September 29 at 12:30. Youth Bell Choir rehearsal will...
Youth Groups Meet Tomorrow, September 15
Do you ever feel like summer goes by way too fast? I know I do. I hope everyone has been having a good time in school so far, but just in case the new year has gotten you a little stressed...
Back to our Full Program September 15!
Sunday, September 15th: Sunday Worship — 8:30am & 10:45am Adult Education Class — 9:30am Confirmation Class — 9:30am Sunday School — 9:30am Middle School Youth Group — 4:30-6:00pm High...
Youth Meetings Begin September 15!
September 15! All 6th through 8th graders are cordially welcomed to join us from 4:30 to 6pm; All 9th through 12th graders are warmly invited to join in from 6 to 8 pm. Meet in Room 4 – the Youth...
June 9 Youth Meetings
Join us for our last Youth Group meetings of this school year tomorrow, June 9! Middle School group meets at 4:30, High School meets at 6 pm. Join us as we say goodbye to school and...