HomeFront Team 2013 Save the date and plan to be a part of our Homefront Team on May 3! We are asking everyone to take a simple skills assessment that will help us find the best project. Click here to...
What’s Happening
Introducing Planned Giving
Planned Giving is the commitment of a gift over time, usually through a will or bequest, and those gifts are managed over time, generally in an endowment fund. While this method of giving is very common...
Growing in Faith – Envy
To love is to seek others’ good and rejoice when they have it. To envy is to seek to destroy the other’s good and sorrow over their having it. ~ Glittering Vices, p. 51 Envy is the consuming...
Youth Group – “A Taste of Home”
YOUTH EVENT – Friday, March 14th 5:30 – 7 p.m. We are having “A Taste of Home” potluck. Please have your youth bring a comfort food. Something from his/her family...
Growing in Faith – Vainglory
Vainglory – the excessive and disordered desire for recognition and approval from others. Questions for Prayer & Reflection How have I been overly concerned about what others think of me? How...
Pancake Supper -Tuesday March 4
Come one, come all….the Youth Group and Confirmation class will be hosting our annual Shrove Tuesday — Pancake Supper on Tuesday, March 4th from 5-7 pm. Here’s a quick preview for anyone...
Movie Night – February 22
Saturday, February 22, 7 pm, Fellowship Hall I AM is an entertaining non-fiction film that poses two questions: what’s wrong with our world, and what can we do to make it better? The filmmaker behind...
this week at-a-glance
For a more detailed view of building use, click the calendar below. January 13-19, 2014 January 20-26, 2014
Pray, Be Present and Make Space
I regularly feel a sense of gratitude for all the people who make our ministry happen, and June is a time to give thanks for the people who nurture faith in our children and youth. With each baptism, we...
Household Economics
Good economics practice – positive ways of exchanging goods and services – is about the well-being, the livelihood, of the whole household. In the face of great economic and environmental challenges,...