We buy food in bulk from Feeding Westchester, but breakfast cereal is one of the more expensive items that we offer our clients, and the variety on offer is very limited. This month we are asking for...
Food Pantry Plus
Spring is Here! The Garden of Hope is Growing!
The Garden of Hope (corner of Tulip and Curry St) is ramping up for the growing season. There are always things to be done, both in our FPCY section and in the greater garden. Janet Morra is the garden...
Item of the Month for April: Canned Fruit
We buy food in bulk from Feeding Westchester, but not all the items we’d like to offer are always available. Canned fruit has been a challenge for our Pantry throughout the pandemic. It is consistently...
The Pantry Needs Your Help!
Thank you so much for the 150 cans of soup that came in for the Souper Bowl of Caring ! We have three areas where we need your help— Advocacy. HPNAP (Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance...
Reminder: The Pantry will Operate No Matter the Weather
Despite the predicted weather for tomorrow, March 11, the Pantry will operate!
Item of the Month for March: More Pasta and Cereal!
This month we are again requesting “anything made from wheat,” as the war in Ukraine continues to hit home. We are completely out of these items! Everyone loves pasta! And we invite you to donate all...
Pawling Hannaford Supports our Food Pantry with Reusable Bag Purchases
For the month of March, First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown Food Pantry will receive a $1 donation from each purchase of the $2.50 reusable Fight Hunger Bag at the Hannaford store located at 162 Route...
Bloomin’ For Good at Stop&Shop will Support our Food Pantry in March
Stop and Shop’s Bloomin’ 4 Good Program works to fight hunger in our local communities. In this program, every $10.99 Bloomin’ 4 Good Bouquet sold sends a $1 donation to a hunger organization local...
40 Cans For Lent
Please join us in “40 Cans for Lent.” Last year we journeyed into the wilderness of food insecurity. This year we’ll walk in our neighbors’ shoes as they strive to exit that insecurity and all...