March, 2012

1975-1978 1975 – At the General Meeting in January 1975 after long discussion and debate on a budget of $114,690, $12,690 of which was unsecured; it was decided to “Let’s risk it and trust God.”...

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The Session – 2013

Commission Chairs for the coming year: Communications Commission Mark Linehan Congregational Life Commission Ellen de Jong and Tim Chin Education Commission Kathy Anderson and Dave Monk Mission...

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What is “Per Capita”?

The Per Capita Apportionment is a share of the expense of the ecclesiastical/administrative work of the Presbyterian Church (USA) at each governing level (the General Assembly, the Synod of the Northeast,...

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Operations – March, 2012

We have been working hard to continue our facilities improvement plan: Rehab of the office has been completed and has drawn many compliments. Painting of the Gathering Space has been completed as has...

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