Sunday School Chalkboard for May

Hello Sunday School Families! Between Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, and Children’s Sunday coming up, we are thinking a lot about our theme of “We Are All Part of God’s Family”! And with our...

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Church School News for April

Happy Spring to all of our Sunday School families! Throughout March, we have been learning about The Prodigal Son in our rotations through Art, Bible Skills and Games, Cooking and Science. As we approach...

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Church School Chalkboard – March, 2019

In February, the younger kids have been learning about Mary and Martha, and how their responses differed when Jesus came to visit. In Gathering Time, we discussed what it’s like to have a sister...

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Church School News — February 2019

While for many of us, getting used to 2019 has been a slow process, our Sunday School kids haven’t missed a beat. Their energy, enthusiasm, and brain power have been as strong as ever in the New...

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Church School News November 2018

Hello Sunday School families! Well, we blinked our eyes and it’s been more than three months since the school year began. Our theme is “We Are All God’s a Part of Family.” The...

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Church School News September 2018

Greetings from the Sunday School team! The start of the 2018-2019 Sunday School year is just around the corner (September 16!), and we are so excited to see you all! This year’s Sunday School theme...

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FPCY Fall Schedule Starts September 16!

Sunday, September 16th: Sunday Worship — 8:30am & 10:45am Adult Education Class — 9:30am Confirmation Class — 9:30am Sunday School — 9:30am Middle School Youth Group — 4:30pm High School...

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Why Teach Sunday School?

Why teach Sunday School? Bill Herman and Alice Chin, who both work with the Connect class (5th and 6th graders), and John Collins who works with our 3rd & 4th Graders reflect: BILL: I teach because...

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Church School Chalkboard May 2018

Here at Sunday School, we are preparing for Children’s Sunday, and marveling at how quickly the year has passed by. Our final rotation for the year, “Love Is,” makes for a positive send-off...

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