Sunday School Chalkboard for May

Hello Sunday School Families!

Between Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, and Children’s Sunday coming up, we are thinking a lot about our theme of “We Are All Part of God’s Family”! And with our new communication system through Realm (, I hope parents are feeling more in touch with what the children are learning and doing on Sunday mornings. We are enjoying sharing photos and posts about the weekly activities.

And speaking of Children’s Sunday — please note that the children and Sunday School staff will lead the 10:00am service on June 9 (please note the summer worship time change). We will rehearse for that service on Sunday June 2, so please plan for your children to attend both weeks!

A call will go out soon for any budding musicians to participate in the musical prelude for the service on June 9. Feel free to reach out to one of the co-superintendents if your children would like to perform for it.

As a final note we ask you to consider joining us in the fall of 2019 as a shepherd, Sunday School teacher, or substitute. Most responsibilities are shared among a team of teachers or shepherds so that no one has to be in attendance every Sunday. Getting involved with Sunday School is a rewarding way to give back to the church, and to get to know our fabulous youth! Contact a co-superintendent for more details.

Happy spring!

~Peace, Bridget Bentley, and Abby and Andy Cross, co-superintendents
