Join us for a discussion of the book, Neighborhood Church by Krin Van Tatenhove and Rob Mueller on Sundays at 9:30 AM starting January 12 in the library.
Faith4Life Painting the Stars Beginning January 12
This Faith4Life series invites skeptics, seekers, the “spiritual but not religious,” and people of faith, to a conversation about the intersection of science and religion. Painting the Stars: Science,...
Men’s Breakfast December 21
The monthly men’s breakfast will be at 7:30 am on December 21 (the third Saturday of the month). Join Chip for food, fellowship, and Faith in Fellowship Hall. All men are invited to attend!
Advent Faith4Life Study
Starting Sunday December 1 at 9:30am, Tuesday December 3 at 10am, and Thursday December 5 at 10:00am we’ll be reading Light of the World: A Beginner’s Guide to Advent, by Amy-Jill Levine....
Faith4Life in December and the New Year
Merry Christmas!! Actually, do we say Happy Advent? December 1 is the first Sunday in Advent, so get those Advent calendars out! We’d love to have you join us for one (or more!) of these studies. And...
Martin Luther Reprise!
For those who missed the October Lunch & Learn, Tim Lupfer will once again share his experiences in Germany for the 500th anniversary of Luther’s nailing his ninety-five theses to the door of the...
Welcome to Faith4Life
No, we’re not a new group—we’re a transformed group! We’ve changed our name to more accurately reflect who we are and what we do. And here’s what we’re doing: Join us on Sunday mornings as...
Common Ground Series Begins October 6
On Sunday evenings beginning October 6 at 6 PM we’ll be reading and discussing Common Ground: Talking about Gun Violence in America, by Donald V. Gaffney, a pastor and a Sandy Hook alumnus. The...
Back to our Full Program September 15!
Sunday, September 15th: Sunday Worship — 8:30am & 10:45am Adult Education Class — 9:30am Confirmation Class — 9:30am Sunday School — 9:30am Middle School Youth Group — 4:30-6:00pm High...
What are You Grateful For? Sunday Adult Ed and More
Join us on Sunday mornings starting September 15 as we ask that question and read Diana Butler Bass’s book Grateful: The Subversive Practice of Giving Thanks. Books are $12 and will available on Sunday...