Church History – The Changes Seen

The church antedates the Declaration of Independence by nearly half a century. When it was organized, no one then thought of a separation from the mother-country, nor had it then entered into the minds...

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Church History

Provided by Dick Hunter, Church Historian Check the history bulletin board highlights of the 70’s by the Communications Committee chaired by Joan Givens. Below is an excerpt about a former FPCY Pastor. “The...

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A Glimpse Into the Past

Provided by Dick Hunter, Church Historian May 2, 1915 Bulletin The Service of Communion Rev. Harry Baldwin-Roberts M.A.B.D., Minister. Order of Service:  Prelude, Doxology, Invocation, Lord’s Prayer,...

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March, 2012

1975-1978 1975 – At the General Meeting in January 1975 after long discussion and debate on a budget of $114,690, $12,690 of which was unsecured; it was decided to “Let’s risk it and trust God.”...

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