Souper Bowl Sunday is Here!

The Souper Bowl of Caring is the result of thousands of young people joining together to fight hunger and poverty in their local communities. This unique, youth-led movement of caring is transforming the...

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40 Cans For Lent

Please join us in “40 Cans for Lent.” Last year we journeyed into the wilderness of food insecurity. This year we’ll walk in our neighbors’ shoes as they strive to exit that insecurity and all...

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Pantry News

We hope that the Journey into Food Insecurity messages during Lent educated and inspired the congregation on this topic so near to our hearts. If you missed any of them, you can find them on our website—...

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40 Cans for Lent — Easter Message

40 Cans for Lent invited us to donate 40 cans to the pantry over the 40 days of Lent and to do eight weekly practices that raise our awareness of the lives of those experiencing food insecurity. You can...

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This Week’s 40 Cans for Lent Message

When we find comfort in the predictability of life, it can be quite difficult to embrace the unknown. Many of our neighbors, however, live with the unknown everyday. Not knowing if there will be enough...

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Pantry News

The Pantry continues to operate, rain or shine, in heat or cold. We are so grateful for the loyal support of our volunteers, congregation, community and local businesses. We are grateful to the Communications...

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