40 Cans for Lent: Uncomfortable Truths of Food Insecurity

This week we invite you to internalize some of the uncomfortable truths of food insecurity. In our comfortable lives, the hunger in our neighbors is invisible –so it is uncomfortable to realize how great the need is in our own neighborhoods, illustrated not only by the number of clients we serve, but that our hungry neighbors are willing to stand through the cold of winter, sometimes for up to 30 minutes, for a bag or two of groceries.

It is tempting to think that anyone who has a job can feed their families, but that is not the reality in our neighborhood. It is uncomfortable to realize that a minimum wage job will not pay the rent, the cost of transportation, the cost of childcare, AND the cost of food.

It is uncomfortable to realize that retired teachers, police officers, and veterans are among those who need to come to the pantry, that our systems to thank them for their service aren’t enough.

By allowing ourselves to be uncomfortable we can better understand the lives of those around us and, in turn, learn how to be better neighbors to them. How can we move beyond bags of food to advocacy for a more equitable neighborhood.

This week’s message from Liam McAuliffe:

40 Cans for Lent invites us to donate 40 cans to the pantry over the 40 days of Lent and to do eight weekly practices that raise our awareness of the lives of those experiencing food insecurity. This pilgrimage isn’t simply about giving food. It’s also helping us see people around us in new ways and the challenges of a food-insecure life. Let’s walk in the wilderness with those experiencing food insecurity and supply our pantry for its ministry

If you would like to make a food donation, please note:

  • Non-Perishable FOOD Only
  • NO Food with expired dates on the packages.
  • Donate the quality of food you would serve to your own family.
  • Online contributions to the Food Pantry are also most welcome. You can find more information, including our distribution schedule on our Food Pantry Page.